
本文へ ふりがな ふりがなをはずす文字サイズ 標準拡大画面色 白黒反転

Cancellation of Contracts Involving Minors

When a minor (person under the age of 18) concludes a contract, the agreement of the person’s legal representative (parent or guardian) is required. A contract concluded by a minor without the agreement of a legal guardian may be canceled by the minor him/herself or by the person’s legal representative.
When the contract is canceled, the obligation for payment is eliminated and if payments have already been made, refund of the payments may be requested.
If a product or other item has been received, it shall be returned in its current conditions, and there shall be no obligation to pay a fee for its use.
However, the contract cannot be canceled in the following cases.

Cases when a contract involving a minor cannot be canceled

  1. The contract was concluded with the agreement of a parent or guardian.
  2. The contract is within the range of an allowance or remittance.
  3. The contract was concluded by a minor who is married.
  4. A minor who operates a business concluded a contract in relation to that business.
  5. The minor falsely presented him/herself as an adult, as having the agreement of a parent, or similar circumstances.
  6. The minor received the product or service, or paid the fee, after reaching the age of adulthood.
  7. 5 years have passed since the minor became an adult.

Writing a notice for cancellation of a contract involving a minor

When cancelling a contract involving a minor, refer to the example below and draft a written document, then send it by special registered mail. Be sure to make a copy of the document before sending it, and store the copy.
* The document must be created in Japanese.

(1) Example of notice sent from the minor him/herself

Notice of Cancellation To: _______________ Co., Ltd. [Address] I concluded a purchase contract with your company on [date] for [product name, etc.] (price: ____ yen). However because I am a minor and the contract was concluded without the agreement of a parent, I hereby provide notice of cancellation of the contract. Therefore, please deposit the amount of ______ yen, which was paid to your company under this contract, in the following account as soon as possible. [Bank account information] [Account holder name] I will also return the products which are in my possession. Please tell me the address which I should send them to. [Name] (created in person) [Address] [Date]

in Japanese

(2) Example of notice sent from the minor’s parent or guardian

Notice of Cancellation To: _______________ Co., Ltd. [Address] My child, [name] (age: ___), concluded a purchase contract with your company on [date] for [product name, etc.] (price: ____ yen). However because a minor concluded this contract without the agreement of a parent, as the parent [guardian] of this minor, I hereby provide notice of cancellation of the contract. Therefore, please deposit the amount of ______ yen, which was paid to your company under this contract, in the following account as soon as possible. [Bank account information] [Account holder name] I will also return the products which are in my possession. Please tell me the address which I should send them to. [Name] (Enter name of parent or guardian) [Address] [Date]

in japanese





【受付時間】月〜金 9:00〜17:00
